Dr Shahid Masood Pronography Scandal

Dr.Shahid Masood the renowned anchor has unveiled the realfacts about the Zainab murder case. He has levelled serious allegations against the government and also about an unknown Federal minister who may be involved in the world wide Gang of Pronography active and established in Pakistan.

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has taken suo Moto action against the information given by Dr.Shahid Masood anchor in an program in which he has told that the Zainab murder case was not as simple as it was told to the normal public. He has given the detail of 37 accounts of Imran Ali involved in the Zainab murder case in Kasoor.
It is not out of place to mention here that before the rape and murder of Zainab 8  other minor girls were also subjected to same offences in the past.

It is also surprising that the police officials are telling that DNA of Imran Ali has matched with the DNA which were taken at the time of the postmortems of those minor girls.If this is so, then, what about the investigation in which other person were held accused of murdering and raping those girls.

The Government of Punjab and also the State Bank of Pakistan has told the media through their representatives that imran Ali has no account in any bank of Pakistan.

The media representative for Government of Pakistan has told that imran Ali accused had two ID cards issued from the Nadra.,At the same time an official from nadra has told before the media that imran Ali had been issued Bay form through his guardian. The first ID card number was allotted to Imran at the time of the issuance of baay form. He has also told the media that imran Ali had lost his baay form issued from the Nadra so he was allotted another ID card number at the time of the issuance of the latest ad ID card.

Such a contradictory statement by the official of the NADRA has made this issue suspect full because it is in the knowledge of a simple lay man that two ID cards can never be issued to a single person simultaneously.

All the media is accusing Dr Shahid Masood for the wrong accusation of government and also an unknown Federal Minister to support imran Ali accused. All are of the view that shahid Masood has tried to get the attention of the media and the people of Pakistan without any reasonable cause.

If this is a fact that shahid Masood has tried to get fame through baseless information then he can be prosecuted under the laws of PEMRA. The supreme court of Pakistan can also prosecute under the charge of contempt of court.

All this issue has become the talk of the day in whole of the Pakistan also a burning topic in the social media worldwide. These discussions discussions are in progress to unveil the actual fact from this mystery.

It is also not out of place to mention here that Pronography has become a social evil and everybody knows that sick minded people become the member of Pronography in which such like cruel raping activity leading to murder of minor girls in the form of movies are displayed to them. Those clubs have been named as Dark Rooms.Through such dark rooms the criminal minded people have planned to earn money and they have established gangs throughout the world to prepare such movies of rape and murder of little minor girls.

Dr Shahid Masood has tried to unveil the fact that such like gangs are also involved in such activities in Pakistan and imran Ali accused was also a member of such gang. If this is so, then formation laid before Supreme Court Of Pakistan would be a great effort on the part of the Dr Shahid Masood and it is the responsibility of the  Government of Pakistan to take severe action against these gangs. Such culprits should be dealt with harsh hands.

And, if, Dr Shahid Masood has tried to get fame through this sensitive issue then he should be given severe punishment from the supreme court and the other prevalent laws.  Such like issues should be should not be taken and discussed in such a manner and no person should be allowed to play mockery with the law and play with the senses of the poor people.

The larger bench of Supreme Court Of Pakistan headed by Cheif Justice himself would hear this sensative issue.


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